East L.A. /Fresno St.

Its my love of the carniceria store paintings. I've always had a fascination with them ever since I was a little kid. Seeing these somewhat surreal and fanciful paintings depicting the foods that I would be eating later that day. Taco stands, bars and restaurants will make their way on this site as well. This is my tribute to those paintings and the artists that made them. Bon apetit!
Hey Tony! did you see the "carniceria" in the psp2 commerical? I believe you were the inspiration!
Tony going mainstream...... whoah...
Yeah, they totally bit my site. I mean, they show a cholo on a lowrider bike, and just to make sure you know the dude is hispanic, they throw in the carniceria for good measure. I mean, why didn't they just throw the PSP into a jail? They'll be hearing from my fake lawyer.
Do they realllly serve goat at this joint. I mean come on. You cant really eat goat.... Right?
Of all the people to ask..tsk tsk.
Of course you can eat goat. Its called birria, and its mmm mmmm good.
bitch, goat is delicious. and goats are way more into sitting in hot water than pigs. look at that bitch....his ass is way loving the warmth of the pot!!
So I have more thoughts about these murals.. do you think.. These artists like are part of a group of artists that do this for a living.. like you know.. when a carniceria opens up.. is there some homie with a card saying "orale vato call up my tio he'll hook up the front of your store all niiiiice and shiit"
or is it guerilla stylee.. like.. a carniceria opens up and in the middle of the nite men with masks , and paint come out and finish it up?
I don't know.. I want more info.. I think the new challenge should be you finding one while it's being painted...and get the story Tony.. it's all about the story..
cuz I'm noticing some resemblances in these (gasp what if theirs one top vato mural painter out there!!)..and I mean more then just a cow and a beaner.
k adios
Actually, I think the murals already tell a story. My whole point of sharing these pictures is so that people could interpret it in anyway they want. Some people find them funny and some...well, find them offensive.
I think it happens with any art. When you ask the artists what their art means you always get some sort of mumbo jumbo about where it came from. I hate explaining my art to people and I hate asking even more. I love hearing people discuss what art means to them or discovering little facets to a painting that you've seen day in and day out. Its like discovering something on your own.
Having someone tell you what "it" means to them only waters down the experience. So yeah, you can tell I never like the whole "critique" phase in art school.
I just wonder how it comes about.. not really their thoughts behind it.
but I hear you!!
but just admit it.. it's cuz you can't speak spanis....
I mean spanish!! damn.. typos!
dude!!! Goat is trying to get his DEB on.
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