Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lakewood Blvd/ Florence Ave.

And so it comes to an end.
This will be my last post......from North Hollywood.
My official reign as the "unofficial" Mayor of NoHo comes to an end this Friday. We're packed and ready to move onto bigger and better things in lovely Lake Balboa, or as I like to call it..
The Bo.

Anyhow, don't worry about me finding more paintings, I've already scouted some near The Bo.

Peace out NoHo, you treated us right.

To be continued......


Señor Chips said...

I'm so happy for you. From one of my old stomping grounds to another. The Bo is where we would go to scam on girls after school. Actually it was just my friends that would get their scam on, I never got any because I'm a gringo... I got to watch. Congrats!

my lollipops are sweeter said...

senor chips still just watches. that fucking gringo.

but that's beside the point....congrats biatch. the bo is hot. it could be a show on mtv. when's the slut party? im ready to get my bartender on.

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Anonymous said...

u should call it La BO ..


enb said...

i dig that pig

Tony C said...

I saw a couple in my new Mex food places here in my new area in Portland. I will document for you. Thanks for the fetis twin thing. GAAAAAAHHHHH

Unknown said...

wicked postings!