Burbank Blvd./ North Hollywood

Its my love of the carniceria store paintings. I've always had a fascination with them ever since I was a little kid. Seeing these somewhat surreal and fanciful paintings depicting the foods that I would be eating later that day. Taco stands, bars and restaurants will make their way on this site as well. This is my tribute to those paintings and the artists that made them. Bon apetit!
welcome back, homie
Its good to be back!
im not sure how i stumbled acrosst you guy's bloggs but i did so i am at least hoping you read this even if none of you write to me or anything.
anyways i just wanted to apologise for being an ass during my brief time at spumco, you especially were trying to teach me stuff and i couldn't get the chip off my shoulder long enough to listen.
good to see you guys are all doing well.
wow, that's pretty "brokeback mountain" of you to be apologizing on the dude's blog..."i wish i knew how to quit you."
the wait is over. Welcome back Macho DEB.
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